Our food blog
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Finding yourself a little peckish between meals? Next time you reach for a snack, set yourself the challenge of snacking sustainably!
- Blog category
- Mealtimes
- Leftovers
- Food waste
Cooking for toddlers and children: tips for saving food
, 5 minute readTop tips to include your toddlers and children in the kitchen and save food.
- Blog category
- Eid
- Seasonal food
- Leftovers
Make your Eid feast go further
By Love Food Hate Waste, , 3 minute readEid Mubarak! The holy month of Ramadan is coming to an end, and that can only mean one thing: it’s time to celebrate breaking the fast!
- Blog category
- Ramadan
- Leftovers
- Food waste
Reducing food waste during Ramadan: because food is precious!
, 3 minute readHere are some tips on how you and your family can make your food go further during Ramadan.
- Blog category
- Kitchen organisation
- Leftovers
- Food storage
How to have the organised kitchen of your dreams
By Love Food Hate Waste, , 5 minute readWe’re sharing some kitchen organisation hacks that won’t just make your kitchen the envy of your friends – they’ll help you save food too!
- Blog category
- Food storage
- Kitchen organisation
Nine foods you've been storing in the wrong place
By Love Food Hate Waste, , 2 minute readThere are lots of common misconceptions about where certain things should be stored, so today we’re busting some myths in the name of saving food!
- Blog category
- Food storage
- Kitchen organisation
- Save time and money
Seven ways to keep the food in your fridge fresher for longer
By Love Food Hate Waste, , 3 minute readDid you know that by adjusting your fridge temperature so that it's between 0-5°C can keep you food fresher for longer? By up to three days longer than usual in fact! This is just one of the things you can do to maximise your fridge for food storage.