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Everyday guides to making the most of your food at home

Greater value from your food
Simple and easy top tips to guide you through the best ways to handle your food at home from staying in control of your shopping, to keeping your food fresher for longer and cooking delicious meals to use up all your food.
Dive into the guides and explore how you can save money and time by making changes to your day to day life around food. Remove the hassle and niggles around food and start creating more time to enjoy your food again.
Make your life easier the simple way and build your food expertise over a period of time, by finding one thing to try today and keep doing it until it becomes part of your normal routine. Then try something else.
Be part of the food saving revolution
Join our social communities - Facebook - Instagram - and share your ideas and what you struggle with too. Everyone’s different and your top tips may well be the solution someone else needs. We’ll review topics you struggle with and update this section, whenever possible.
Simple ways to make life easier around food

We have created these guides based on things you’ve told us you’d like to learn more about.
Storing your food so it’s fresher for longer
These guides will provide you with some easy ideas to try that will keep your food fresher for longer. Ensuring your food is put away in the right place and making the most of your freezer will give you more time to use and eat the food, saving it from being binned. We’ll add to this section soon, based on areas you’ve told us you like to learn more about.
Staying in control of your food shop
You told us what you struggle with around shopping and we’ve listened! Take a look at our guide to learn some simple ways to stay in control of your food shop. By following these simple tips, you’ll find it easier to stick to your food budget and buy only what you know you’ll eat.
Planning to stay ahead
We’re all very busy meaning time is very limited to do those little things that really could make a big difference. By adding a tiny bit of planning time each week, you’ll find it easier to stay on top of your food as you’ll know what you need and when you’ll eat it. These guides will help you to plan your food at home in a way that works best for you and life at home.
Becoming more food savvy
If you’d like to get greater value from the food you buy then take a look at these guides. We’ll share ways to be more food savvy from learning to use more of the edible bits of your food items like outer leaves of cauliflowers, to top tips on how being creative will help you use up all the food in your home. We’ll also share simple ways to start or continue your journey to becoming more planet-friendly with your food.